A Bronx Tale – Learning to Play Craps
Once again a classic piece of cinema. I haven’t seen this movie but after watching this little segment on Craps I should check out the movie as I got a few laughs while watching this.
Once again a classic piece of cinema. I haven’t seen this movie but after watching this little segment on Craps I should check out the movie as I got a few laughs while watching this.
This is pure gold. Now that I know what they are talking about this is a very funny sketch. They really were masters of their craft. The way Costello casts the dice is how I used to do it. Close my eyes, drop the dice, and hope for the best.
Love the way Abbott twists the rules as he goes, and the nice way Costello turns the tables on Abbott at the end. True classic material.
This is extremely interesting. Willy Allison knows his stuff, and this comes from the Casino point of view. Plus he’s Australian so being a fellow Aussie it’s easy for me to listen to him speak.
Found this interesting video on dealers and the different ways of fleecing the money off the table. I’m sure it happens, because it seems that where ever there is money there will be cheating. It’s human nature I guess.
Have you ever suspected a dealer of doing something like this? Let me know in the comments what you’ve noticed.
I’m going to be watching the dealers more closely and the game in general now that I’m a keen student of the game.
I just think this is great. Now that I’m seriously learning the game I’m noticing that even with Craps when the movies show a Craps game, they just make up whatever they want. It made me laugh anyway. Love the way Chris Tucker just pushes his way in. I know if I tried that I’d be on the receiving end of a security crew intervention.
Found these great videos from KogaNinja777 for a getting started with a cardboard Craps practice rig for dice throwing. In the absence of anything to practice with I’m going to build one of these.