CJ 016 | Session Report #008

Casino : Treasury

$200 buy in

SL2 position on half table.

3v set

Couldn’t get anything going.

Had 3 turns with the dice no more than 6 rolls each.

Concentrating on dice behaving same each toss and hitting my chosen landing zone.

$10 PL and $22 inside

Tried $10 DC a couple of times got hit by 11

Got one $10 DC up on 4 took $20 odds (my first time laying odds) and it bull frogged 4 straight back. It was a bit disappointing my first laying of odds didn’t work out. Will try again next week.

One happy camper (not me) had a $25 horn going to start and hit 3 12s in a row, not sure how much he won, as he upped his first bet, but the dealers were taking a long time to work out the payout. Once he got the money he disappeared. Smart move.

Had to get back to work so no time to try something different.

Colour in $132 (-$68) in 45 mins

CJ 015 | Session Report #007

Casino : Treasury

$200 buy in

SL2 for first time and I was more comfortable than at straight out. But much prefer SL1.

One other player who set 2V and had a relaxed toss from way up high near chip rail was at SL1. Kept PSO and losing money like crazy. Was a regular as the dealers knew him. He got 2 points in 8 rolls after he disappeared for 10 mins and reappeared with more cash. Only to lose all that as well. Lessons for me not to do the same.

I had 3 rolls of 6, 9 and 7 numbers, no points made. My setting is getting better. Toss landing still moving around. Trying to find the best place to land.

Just stuck with $10 PL and was more interested in getting my toss dialled in.

However I have to stop doubting myself. Even $22 inside same betting would have done ok.

Tried a DC $10 after 3 count when I wasn’t shooting. Kept getting picked off. Tried a DP $10 got picked off.

Got beat 7 times in a row. So called it a day. Always next week.

Colour in $130 (-$70) in 35 mins

CJ 014 | Session Report #006

Casino : Treasury

$200 buy in

Straight out position

3 players only on half table

Same big spender as last Friday pushing chips all over the place. He Burned through $1000 very quickly.

One guy had a unique toss reverse pincer grip no setting. Looked great but random.

Dice were jumping off the table

Was nervous again slight tremble

And was not confident in my toss which was very rough. Dice landing in different spots and rotating differently

Short rolled once

Set with all ninja craps alternate set for all sevens for co and 3v for point cycle

$22 inside with $10 PL doing same bet

Got 3 rolls in with nothing more than 4 count each

Shot dark side on one and shot my self in the foot

Played dark on the others

Never have more than 30 mins which is good and bad. But not my day to shine.

Coloured in $172 in 30mins (down $28)

CJ 013 | Session Report #005

Casino : Treasury Brisbane

$200 buy in

Got straight out spot. It was crowded half table. Got the dice after 2 mins.

Didn’t trust myself from last time after being so nervous. so went in real slow

Wasn’t really nervous today until after the roll. Then the nerves kicked in (had to go so left).

$10 PL and $6 6 and 8

Rolled for about 25 mins. Didn’t keep exact count was around 20 or more (I’ll track better next time).

Hit all the numbers (we don’t have fire bet / all tall small etc).

Got to Press only once to $12 6 and 8, placed $5 5 and 9 with profits, only after I’d same bet a couple of times. Lots of 4’s and 10’s (which I wasn’t on)

Just didn’t have confidence in myself.

Players were hitting $25 hard ways and horns, chips were flying everywhere

The box man grabbed the stick around 20 min mark, and threatened me to pass the dice if I didn’t hit the back wall every time. Only missed twice. The box man was joined by another suit and were in a long discussion and watching until I sevened out. Never had a long roll before, so that was new.

Couple of players had the box numbers in the hundreds, which started to add extra pressure. A lot of money was on the table.

Made everyone a lot of money. Would have made a decent amount if I had of run my usual $110 inside for 2 hits and regress and press.

Was pleased with the result but my toss was still very rough.

Tried to use some new sets I got from Ninja Craps (3V equivalent). But set it wrong quite a few times under pressure.

Coloured in at $300 in 35 mins

CJ 012 | Session Report #004

Casino : Treasury Brisbane

$200 buy in

1 other shooter and then just me. Never been on an empty table before. Weird feeling as the dealers have nothing to do. Great speed with dice.
Very nervous and hungry and was shaking the whole time.
Did $44 inside with don’t pass
Layed single odds on don’t pass
Got eaten at every try.
Should have just played plain $10 don’t pass until my tosses calmed down.
Would have left after losing $100 but needed the toss practice.
Minimum is $5 on 3,12,2,11 and $20 horn
Left an empty table. Such a shame.
Started at straight out. Dice bouncing every where.
Tried stealth setting. Hopeless at it. Couldn’t remember the sets. Awful.
Did one dead cat with out hitting the wall 7 out won my don’t with odds and they allowed it
Then moved to SL1
My tosses were much better. Very little roll back off the wall. Would have loved to have stayed. Perfect practice opportunity.
Coloured in with $37. left in 15 mins

CJ 011 | Session Report #003

Casino : Treasury Brisbane

$200 buy in

Same people from last week at the table
They are big spenders. Kept putting more money on table.
Played differently today
$44 inside 2 hits and down
Wait a couple of rolls and then $10 don’t come
The dealer worked out my play in 2 hands and was very good about it.
Shooting from straight out
$10 PL
CO 7
Roll count 6
Went $110 inside 2 hits down
Did $10 DP on 4 then $20 odds
Bull frog 4
Colour in $265 in 30 mins