Casino: Treasury

$380 buy in
12ft half table
4 players
3V set

Finally after 3 weeks of not being able to get on the table I showed up and there was a spot. I was happy.

The last couple of weeks, the USS Ronald Regan was docked in the port of Brisbane, giving thousands of American sailors some well earned shore leave, and I haven’t been able to get a spot at the craps table. It’s been packed.

Only had to wait a few mins before I got the dice.

I needed to tip toe in to test the water and warm up.

The table was touted as cold by the other players.

Smashed out a 33 hand straight out of the gate.

5, 9, 6, 9, 4, 6, 8, 8, 6, 9, 12, 5
7, 5, 8, 4, 2, 5
8, 9, 8
7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 4, 11, 8
6, 9, 9, 7

Only started with a $6 six and eight. Had everything covered and doing well. The 4 come out 7s in a row was very popular and profitable among the punters.

Started with my DP 3 play and after I got to level 3 switched to pass line and backed myself. Had $50 in PL on last pass for the six and the 7 out came.

Certainly turned the tide for the others at the table.

Next hand was PSO but I had kept bets low on my second attempt luckily before I ratchet up to the $66 inside WOTCO play.

I never got to the third hand.

What was nice was a fellow dark sider at the table. First time I’ve seen him. Very young must have been early 20s.

He was doing DP with laying odds and DC and laying place numbers all over the place. And putting money on the doctor. He was constantly shouting himself in the foot and at one point ran out of money and didn’t want to continue shooting.

I offered to take over since he was having a decent hand and I had the numbers all covered. But the other players wouldn’t have it. They put money on the PL for him. And refused to put it on the DP which he wanted to continue with. 2 rolls later seven out. Jeez. Was still a good role.

Very enjoyable session.

Coloured out $482 (+$102) in 1 hour